Peet teams up with the 'Experts in Fun'!
Our commitment to innovation keeps us looking for new ways to deliver exciting lifestyle opportunities for residents in our communities across the country. Peet is excited to have joined forces with ‘experts in fun,’ the Mamma Knows Melbourne team, in an exclusive partnership to guide the design and development of our parks and playgrounds at Cornerstone and Newhaven in the west, and Aston and Aspect in the north.
A key aspect of any strong community is connection and both Peet and the Mamma Knows Melbourne team believe providing high-quality parks, playgrounds and open spaces is an important part of creating a sense of community as they provide places for families, friends and neighbours to connect.
Having reviewed and tested hundreds of parks around Melbourne, the Mamma’s know exactly what parents and kids are looking for, and they’ve become a go-to source for people looking for places to play.
Mamma Knows West
In the west, the parks and playgrounds are being designed to maximise the fun factor and ensure they provide a safe and convenient environment to play.
Mamma Knows North
Heading north, it’s all about catering for different ages and designing parks that will become centrepieces for these great communities.