Festive Holiday Catch Up At The Avenue
Many residents both old and new enjoyed a social barbeque catch up at The Avenue in the lead up to Christmas, with food, drinks and festivities galore!
There were even freshly baked Christmas cupcakes made by one of the residents to share.
Part way through the rain came down but this didn't deter the celebrations, everything was carried into the Sales Office and continued in there.
Part way through the rain came down but this didn't deter the celebrations, everything was carried into the Sales Office and continued in there.
Residents organised a Secret Santa with lots of thought into suitable gifts for people moving into a new house.
Many of the residents are keen to help plan next year’s events and to discuss community initiatives within the
Many of the residents are keen to help plan next year’s events and to discuss community initiatives within the
Estate. If you'd like to get involved too, please contact lynden@creatingcommunities.com.au.