Update: Golden Bay Local Structural Plan
Golden Bay will soon undertake further civil works in Stage 5, and commence works to create the foreshore access road and carparks which will facilitate construction of the new foreshore park.
The next phase of Stage 5 works will occur in Stage 5B and will include the placement of natural limestone boulders within the Landscape Protection Area along some portions of the boundary interface to provide stability to the dune. These works are scheduled to commence in March 2019 and be completed in spring this year.
With the southern extension of Marillana Drive now complete, works to construct the new foreshore road and carparks are anticipated to commence in April 2019. These works will be undertaken in two phases, with the first phase including carparking adjacent to future direct beach access points to provide access to the Foreshore Park site and enable park construction to commence later this year. This phase is expected to take approximately 18-weeks.
Any clearing required for roads and the public open space will be pegged and fenced to ensure there is no clearing outside permitted areas.
We will continue to undertake construction activities in a considerate manner, and to work with our contractors to minimise the impacts of these works on residents.
The Golden Bay project, which will ultimately deliver 2,200 homes for 5,000 or more new residents, does require the clearing of a small amount of coastal land to make way for new development – and the protection of a large tranche of other coastal land. These areas have been earmarked for many years – from the earliest stages of project planning.
As with all development at Golden Bay, these works are being conducted in line with all required state and local government planning and environmental approvals.
We have also employed a team of expert zoologists to prepare a fauna management plan, with the City of Rockingham the approving authority. A Regulation 15 License, granted by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, allows for native animals in the development area to be carefully relocated to a new home in the northern end of the foreshore fauna habitat at Golden Bay, to the Paganoni Swamp or suitable adjacent vegetation. The zoologists will be briefing the construction team on site so they know who to call if any stray animals are discovered.