Landscape Protection Area Stage 5
View the concepts, have your say.
We are very keen for community members to have their say on the two concepts under consideration for the Stage 5 Landscape Protection Area and Public Open Space.
While the unpredictable nature of the weather meant we had to cancel the Pizza and Putt Putt night, we are pleased to be able to offer a new opportunity for the community to view the concepts and have the Development Team on hand to answer your questions.
Where: Peet Golden Bay Sales Office, 4 Glenburgh Drive, Golden Bay. Just off Warnbro Sound Ave.
When: Thursday 14th June
Time: 5pm - 7pm
Coffee and light refreshments will be available.
Can't make it down and still want to have your say? There is still plenty of time to complete the online survey, available at the link below which has been extended to 22nd June.
PS: For those who were looking forward to it, we'll also plan to have the Pizza and Putt Putt activity later in the year!